Saturday, 25 December 2010

Where have we been?

Hiding, that's where. Hibernating. All this snow is not what we like, so we stay inside. Rachel keeps the house nice and warm for us, and mostly we lie around on furniture. Not an interesting life, but what else is there to do?

Today was a bit special, for some reason.

Presents, nice dinner, toys and treats. There was lots of paper, just what Scooter loves most.

He and Millie had a little argument about who should get into the bag with all the wrapping paper from the presents.

Millie won.

Millie also won a little argument with Flossie about the wrapper that went round some silly toy.

Millie always wins.

Even I had a little play inside one of the bags.

And Hamish hid upstairs all day because the Lovely Son is here. Don't ask. We don't understand Hamish either.

Rachel says we should wish you all a Happy Christmas. We would like to wish you lots of treats and toys and wrapping paper too!


  1. It's lovely to hear that you had such a nice time. This has been our first Christmas without Rupert, and we have missed him playing "I'm the King of the Castle" on top of the wrapping paper parcel, and having someone to lick up the little bits of turkey that fall onto the floor. There's no plate in the fridge for him with giblets on - cut into tiny pieces and served in small helpings as he wasn't really into rich food. We hope he enjoyed every Christmas he did have with us, and will never forget him.
    We loved him, just as Rachel loves you all.
    Perhaps Hamish will get used to LS eventually, but as long as he feels secure, that's the main thing.
    It will warm up again, and you'll be able to go out to play/hunt - promise.

  2. Susan frances and Taichi!25 December 2010 at 23:58

    Lovely photos of all you cats...My dog enjoyed tearing open his presents this morning, but I ( Taichi is my name.. and I look a bit like Lottie, semi long haired) was in hiding from all the wrapping paper, and don't know how to claw open presents, so didn't even bother to join my human family for their strange pastime this morning!

  3. xoxo
    we three cats of Black Street
    + les Gang

  4. What can I say? you are all so adorable and naughty sometimes.....I hope that wasn't Rachel's gifts you were devouring?!

  5. Ae have managed to hook-up a very long string of computer cable (at least, we think that's what it is) and our Secretary has helped us to write a post with our friend, Estorbo.You can read about it at our place.
